The Coming of Elias Artist by Frater L. The late
medieval and early Renaissance period in Europe saw radical transformations
in traditional gnostic/hermetic thought and practice. As medieval
craft guild knowledge and tradition was transformed into "speculative"
masonry, so mineral and metallurgical techniques led to the emergence
of what would become known as "alchemy". In both cases,
this remodelling and rebirth can be symbolised by the figure of
Elias Artist" ; in this first article we look at the origins
of this symbolic figure. The second article will treat more closely
with the role of Elias Ashmole in these transformations, in our
Autumnal Equinox issue on "alchemy".
Healing in the Hermetic
Tradition by Alex Sumner
There is a long tradition
of Healing in Hermeticism, which is intimately linked to Astrology
and the Qabalah. The author argues that true Hermetic healing is superior
in many respects to what is commonly known as "modern medicine"
- and demonstrates how the modern Hermeticist may access the healing
art in a practical manner.